This book is about my personal incident and how I started on my own healing journey. Along side professional help, I began on a journey that I didn't expect myself to take. It is something people would usually find out of the ordinary because it isn't something society really accepts fully right now. I wrote about my personal experience from day one of what happened to me because I want to bring awareness to mental health and self-healing.
A huge part of my journey was understanding the culture clash I encountered from when I was little to trying to get through my own healing journey. It's not easy being a Canadian born South Asian female and I discuss this aspect through my book.
Join me in spreading awareness that you have the ability to change things for yourself on your own too! All it takes is faith and I'm not talking about religious faith. I am talking about spiritual faith which is completely different from religious faith. I have faith in both but not everyone will have that, so spiritual faith is more connected with the universe, with the unseen, and with the unknown that can help you understand why you are here and what your life's purpose is.
Every E-book and Paperback purchased will be donated to charities and organizations within Canada and around the world! Help me make a difference in this world full of love and faith and you will see how quickly everything around you changes!
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